Good Mental Health Improves the Quality of Life

When we are free of depression, anxiety, excessive stress and worry, addictions, and other psychological problems, we are more able to live our lives to the fullest.

Peace of mind is a natural condition, and is available to everyone.

Mental health strengthens and supports our ability to have healthy relationships, make good life choices, maintain physical health and well-being, handle the natural ups and downs of life, discover and grow toward our potential.

The infographic below, shows the six steps of how we can have the positive mental health.

Untitled Infographic(2)


Jeyta (Twitter: Jeyta_Paul)

Shubhankar Kumar (Twitter: Shubhankar_me)

Happy Blogging!!!


1. Be determined. Instead of intending to just try, do it.

Do, or do not. There is no “try”. – Yoda, from Star Wars


2.Learn to let go and be clear of where you really want to head for.

Love cannot be found where it doesn’t exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does. – David Schwimmer, from Kissing a Fool

Kissing a fool

3. Your past experiences are valuable lessons to you now, learn from them.

Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it. – Rafiki, from The Lion King

lion king

4. Just be yourself because you’re unique and you’ll shine.

Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? – from What a Girl Wants

What a girl wants

5. Life’s too short to miss out anything, try to take it slowly.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. – Ferris, from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off


6. You should love and take care of yourself because after all, it’s your own life.

You can’t live your life for other people. You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if it hurts some people you love. – from The Notebook


7. Everyone has a choice. You can choose your own path in life.

We are who we choose to be. – Green Goblin, from Spider-Man

Green goblin

8. You deserve what you want when you’re trying your best to fight for it, no one can take that right from you.

Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. – Heath Ledger, from 10 Things I Hate About You

10 things i hate about you

9. There’s no perfect time for anything, do it now or you’ll regret later.

I don’t regret the things I’ve done, but those I did not do. – from Empire Records


10. You don’t need to hide yourself because you’re afraid of what others think of you. You have the choice to live your own life.

It is not our abilities that show what we truly are… it is our choices. – Dumbledore, from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


Did we miss one of your favorite Movie quotes, do share with us in the comment box and follow us if you like our post.


Jeyta (Twitter: Jeyta_Paul)

Shubhankar Kumar (Twitter: Shubhankar_me)

Happy Blogging!!!


Our generation

Natural selection will not remove ignorance from future generations” -Richard Dawkins

Most people would be surprised to learn how universally watched they already are. Granted, that watching is mainly done by advertising firms and such at this point, but folks in the modern world are as far from being anonymous as they are from being billionaires.

We upload pictures to Facebook. We tag things on Instagram. We carry smartphones that track our locations at any given second. We pass hundreds of cameras every day. We use credit cards, online banking, Internet marketplaces, and a whole slew of other conveniences that make us stand out like shining beacons with dollar signs all over them.

Everyone was shocked and appalled when Edward Snowden released evidence of the NSA’s domestic surveillance program. In the future, though, they’ll just accept that sort of thing as a fact of life… and what’s more, they’ll feel like it’s necessary for their safety.

Imagine the world in which you are monitored literally all the time. If ever a crime is committed, a judge will be able to simply pull up the footage and lay down a verdict. Minor offenses like speeding will be recognized and dealt with electronically, via a fine that automatically deducts from your bank account… and any attempt at seizing a greater measure of privacy will be seen as deviant behavior. Take one wrong step, and you’ll suddenly be faced with charge after charge that had seemingly gone unnoticed before.


Still, maybe this is all a bit of an extreme perspective. Maybe I’m only a tinfoil hat away from being a crackpot.

Keep an eye out sometimes, though. Ask yourself how many opportunities someone might have to observe you during a normal day in your life.

Privacy is already on its last legs in the so-called civilized world.

Not long from now, it will be completely dead… and our children will celebrate its passing.



Jeyta (Twitter: Jeyta_Paul)

Shubhankar Kumar (Twitter: Shubhankar_me)

Happy Blogging !!

20 Motivational Quotes from Legendary Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Visionaries

Even the most grand, world-changing projects and plans require some amount of tedious, get-it-done slogging. Each one of us comes across such phases in our lives.

If you’re having one of those days where you feel like nothing will come of your efforts take a spin through some of the motivational quotes included in the infographic below.

Untitled Infographic


Jeyta (Twitter: Jeyta_Paul)

Shubhankar Kumar (Twitter: Shubhankar_me)

Happy Blogging!!



I just had a very interesting discussion with my friend, it started with my playing a game of “FreeCell” on Windows. (I do this almost every day, I feel it is like push-ups for the brain, especially when I first wake up.)

I was telling her that the game teaches a moral lesson, i.e., the value of persistence. (I have played hundreds of games, there is never been a game that I could not solve if I stuck with it long enough.) Surely here is a game – like chess – which can be used to teach children useful life lessons! (Maybe, maybe not?)

Another aspect is that I often let her play the exact, same game that I have played … she will often solve it in an entirely different manner than I will solve the same puzzle. This lead to an interesting (and lively) discussion, that women use one side of their brains more than a man, or at least this is what scientists believe. Perhaps {some} women make better managers than men, exactly because of the capability of greater use of the right side of the brain.

This now led me to have an interesting thought. What about a scientific study? People could spend all day solving puzzles – like FreeCell – that maybe have more than one method that leads to an acceptable solution. Could anything valuable be learned, about how humans think … by studying our thought processes while we solve such problems? Another aspect of this train of thought … it is exactly this type of thinking, (how humans solve problems); that led to the creation of the first chess programs. It may also be a useful step in the eventual creation of true ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!

The Five (5) Basic Ways a Human Being Learns

Pattern recognition. –  (One of the first ways we learn anything!) Just about all professional educators recognize this one. Oh, they give it fancy names (terminology), and steep the whole thing in the stupidity of Freudian mysticism; but they all recognize this is one of the basic ways that we learn anything. One of the ways I use this fundamental technique in chess is to ensure all my students first learn, “THE BASIC MATING PATTERNS.” There are only 20-30 really basic checkmates. These basic patterns form the foundation for EVERYTHING that comes later. (See the book, “Basic Middle-Game Techniques,” by … International {Chess} Master / and Dr. Danny Kopec.)

Repetition. – (Not a favorite of modern educators, to say the least!) This is a fundamental technique to learning. It needs to be brought back into the mainstream of teaching and vastly improved. I have personally found this can be both fun and very educational. It does not have to be the bore that we think (it was/is). More on this later!

Virtual Cognition. – Fundamental understanding of certain ideas. Certain things do NOT have to be taught, they are instinctual. But there are correct methods for enhancing and bringing out an understanding of ideas that are placed deep within our brains before we are born. This is the one area most professional educators don’t even understand, – and for the most part – have failed miserably in any attempt to craft this into an intelligent teaching tool. (A little more on this topic later. I primarily understand how this idea relates to chess … how this method can be used in other teaching fields will be for someone else to discover.)

Association. – Cross-referencing in the brain. Taking things (and ideas) an individual already knows and relating them in such a manner that that a learning process takes place. A very good idea – and one I have used when I have taught chess in the schools – is to take a very foreign or strange idea, and relate it to something the student already knows or understands. This is just PART of the process of association, not the whole idea! But it takes a very intelligent teacher, who can think fast on their feet, to be able to use this particular technique.

Themes. – (The “Building Block,” or “Chaining” technique.) A lot of people will think this is the same as number four above, but it is not. I cannot be very eloquent outside of chess, so I will confine myself to an area of knowledge that I am an expert in. First you lay the ‘groundwork’ of (a both a very simple AND a very complex) an ending, say a KNIGHT + BISHOP (and King) versus a lone King.  You ensure that the basic student has a fairly good grasp of the basic ideas of this ending. (To really Master it can take years!!!)  Then you begin to teach the student a “two-piece” combination. You show the aspiring player a whole series of relatively simple tactical sequences that are grouped together under a general heading of “Two or Three piece combinations.” Then you expand this teaching thrust into the idea of using two or three piece attacks on the enemy King. (You are also using association now, the beginner will have to draw on the knowledge you have already taught him – or her! – and expand and draw that knowledge into a relatively new field.) Then you finish this whole conception by ending with several COMPLETE MASTER GAMES where these ideas are clearly evident.


Jeyta (Twitter: Jeyta_Paul)

Shubhankar Kumar (Twitter: Shubhankar_me)

Happy Blogging!!!



One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving things you want in life is to learn to monitor your attitude. Positive attitude impacts on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you.

We all have a choice. We can either choose self-encouragement and self-motivation, or we can choose one of self-defeat and self-pity. It’s a power we all have. Each of us encounters hard times, hurt feelings, heartache, and physical and emotional pain. The key is to realize it’s not what happens to you that matters rather it is important that how you choose to respond.

Your mind is like a computer that can be programmed. You can choose whether the software installed is productive or unproductive. Your inner dialogue is the software that programs your attitude, which determines how you present yourself to the world around you. You have control over the programming. Whatever you put into it is reflected in what comes out.

Many of us have behavior patterns today that were programmed into our brains at a very tender age. The information that was recorded by our brains could have been completely inaccurate or cruel. The sad reality of life is that we will continue to hear negative information, but we don’t have to program it into our brains.

The loudest and most influential voice you hear is your own inner voice; self-critic. It can work for you or work against you, depending on the messages you allow. It can be optimistic or pessimistic. It can wear you down or cheer you on. You control the sender and the receiver, but only if you consciously take responsibility for and control over your inner conversation.

Habitual bad attitudes are often the product of past experiences and events. Common causes include low self-esteem, stress, fear, resentment, anger and an inability to handle change. It takes serious work to examine the roots of a harmful attitude, but the rewards of ridding ourselves of this heavy baggage can last a lifetime.

So how can you carry a positive attitude every day, at home or at work and anywhere else outside? How can we actually do it? Well guys, YES!! Each one of us can do it and turn the negative attitude into the positive attitude:

1. Each person has certain kind of interests which makes him/ her happy. Some may like dance, or painting or photography etc. By stepping back and concentrating on your best skill, your mind switches from feeling frustration to fresh feeling, alert and more willing to accept new information. Why is that? Because when you feel confident in your abilities, you’re able to think creatively and solve problems. Use that momentum to your advantage.

2. Do you ever feel like throwing your computer at the wall? Or feel like throwing everything on your desk away? In times of extreme frustration or feelings of failure, stop and pause. Realize that the frustration you feel isn’t a flaw—it’s your determination to succeed. Then turn your focus to something you truly enjoy.

Consciously be aware of the enjoyment you feel. Watch a favourite video clip, listen to an upbeat song or play a little tennis—just do what you need to do to put yourself in the right mood. Don’t over think it, just take action and do something that feels positive.

3. Once you are in your “happy” place, look at your problem with fresh eyes. You will realise that you are able to find solutions to your problem which you didn’t see before, or that you are better able to master a new skill now with your changed your mindset. Feel-good behaviours lead to more productive results. Look for a common thread of “wins” throughout the day. In times of frustration, push yourself to stop, do something that makes you feel good, then attack the problem with the new mindset.

4. Make a list of ways to reward yourself for a job well done or a positive attitude maintained. It could be a coffee run, a guilty-pleasure TV show, a favourite dessert or simply quiet time to yourself. Rewards are personal and should motivate, excite and stimulate a person. Whatever fits the bill for you, make sure to integrate it into your daily life.

5. Timing matters, too. Don’t postpone the reward only until after achieving the big goal. Break the goal down into milestones. What will it take for you to get to that goal? Reward yourself at each accomplished milestone.

6. Every day is a new day and deserves a fresh approach, a chance to focus on those “good” patterns. At the end of your day, set aside 15 minutes to reflect on your “daily wins” and how they made you feel. Over time, accentuating the positive becomes a habit, not just an overly sunny expression. You will be able to easily identify when you feel the strongest and most effective.


So instead of looking to crush the bad, seek to celebrate the good and accentuate the positive. This fresh outlook will brightly colour your days and bring lasting, realistic change. It makes our life much happier. It is no secret that life seems to reward us most when we approach the world with a positive attitude.


Jeyta (Twitter: Jeyta_Paul)

Shubhankar Kumar (Twitter: Shubhankar_me)

Happy Blogging!!!


Life isn’t as serious as your mind makes it out to be

If I can’t live my life the way I want, then what is the point? If I can’t be who I authentically am, then what’s the point? If I can’t feel love, compassion and understanding for others, then what’s the point? If I can’t be loving, gentle and forgiving of myself, then what’s the point? If I can’t experience beauty, value and meaning from life, then what’s the point? If I can’t fulfill my desire to help others, then what’s the point? If I can’t get up each day feeling brand new, passionate and full of life then what’s the point? If I can’t love, be loved and spend my time with people (and animals) I love, then what’s the point? If I can’t pursue and live my purpose and make a difference, then what’s the point? The point is these values are what matter to me and what I aspire to do with my life and I am going to live them because otherwise there is no point.

Hello, readers, this blog is all about some  General thoughts of life and what do our generation think about it. Well, let me tell you this blog won’t be just on life but on various dissimilar topics.

Please feel free to leave comments. Suggestions and feedbacks are mostly welcome.

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Happy Blogging.